
As a coach I am serious about supporting you to get the outcomes you truly desire. I have been training for over 20 years, adding new modalities and tools to ensure that I have a broad range of cutting edge techniques to support you to safely get the changes you desire. Coaching is all about YOU. What YOU need. What YOU want. I will support you 100% and I will challenge you and encourage you to go further than maybe you even believed was possible. I will hear you, see you and respect you - and I believe in you. I will hold a sacred space for you to explore and ensure I keep you safe through Trauma Informed Practices. It is my privilege to come alongside you for a while and to be your supporter, equipper and advocate in the change process. I will support you 100% and I will challenge you and encourage you to go further than maybe you even believed was possible. I will hear you, see you and respect you - and I believe in you. It is my privilege to come alongside you for a while and to be your supporter and advocate in the change process.

Help With Stress & Anxiety

Stress and Anxiety are impacting on more people than ever before and it is even said that up to 75% of all GP visits are stress related.

Navigating Through Bullying

There is no easy answer to bullying and no magic bullet. But what I do know is that navigating through bullying with support is way easier than trying to do it alone.

Something Is Missing

If you are feeling like something is missing, that you are just not seeing the whole picture, then reach out and begin a coaching package today to help you to see what is truly going on.

Exploring Health & Wellbeing

Using a combination of tools such as ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), etc. we are well equipped to support you to make the changes you desire.

Finding Radical Wholeness

Coaching to Radical Wholeness is ideal for people who are doing OK in life – and who want to do even more. This is for people who are ready to go deep and ask the questions which might knock them off balance – challenge their thinking – extend their boundaries.

Christian Based Coaching

While this is not for everyone – for those who wish to connect to the spiritual aspects of life – and connect to their own soul - to explore aspects of meaning, purpose, legacy, faith and connection – reach out if you are interested and would like to know more.

Supervision For Leaders & Coaches

I consider supervision to be an essential component of therapy, leadership and coaching. While therapy and counselling has had a requirement for supervision for many years, coaching and leadership have not.

Managing Stress & Anxiety

If stress is impacting on you or your staff and you are ready to invest in wellbeing that makes a difference – reach out and book a discovery call so you can find out how we can support you.

Radical Wellbeing

At The Healthy Workplace ( a group of professionals working collaboratively with mBraining4success) we include 7 realms of Wellbeing:

Putting Humanity Back Into The Workplace

Did you know that in a Harvard Business Review article (March 22nd 2022) it was reported that the most common emotions experienced at work are difficult ones: frustration, nervousness, anger, and dislike?